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Travel Purifiers

Plastic water bottles are contributing significantly to environmental degradation, with the bottling process alone releasing 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide annually. Shockingly, studies reveal that one litre of water can contain an average of 240,000 plastic particles, predominantly nanoplastics and microplastics. With the projected figure of 7,300,752 tonnes of plastic waste in 2023, the issue becomes even more pressing. Moreover, the country is expected to release an average of 3,30,764 tonnes of microplastics into waterways. In response to this crisis, travel water purifiers offer a sustainable solution by eliminating the need for single-use plastic bottles. These purifiers allow travellers to access clean and safe drinking water from any water source, reducing reliance on bottled water. Watsan is actively developing an innovative travel water purifier set to revolutionize the market. This innovation promises to provide travellers with a convenient and eco-friendly alternative to plastic bottles, further contributing to the reduction of plastic pollution and environmental impact.

Travel Purifiers

Travel Purifiers

Watch out for the Product release ….